
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kids don't belong at school. I promise.

So.....I'm taking Amelia out of school. We're doing kindergarten next year. This school thing sucks.   My child hates school. She says she cries to come home all the day. Her teacher just affirmed it to me in an e-mail. 3 weeks of this and I finally called the principal and talked to him about it. Joe and I decided that we're keeping her home. (She just turned 5 years old 3 weeks before school started.) I need to teach her some more before I send her off. How do you raise well adjusted kids? Her teacher said she was "bright scholastically" but had "anxiety about being away from home". Hmmm. Can I just go with her? I wouldn't mind being in kindergarten again.


  1. What a surprise! I had no idea she was crying to come home. Did she give more of an explanation or was it just general homesickness? I think well-adjusted kids come from loving homes where they can feel safe to share their fears, cry, fight, and figure themselves out without shame of judgement. Hey, that's your home! I'm just noticing now that Charlotte is feeling stronger about doing scary things. It comes with time and experience. You can't teach a kid to be brave. Someday, Amelia will be running ahead of you into the world and there's nothing you can do to stop it. In the meantime, I'm glad she's still a home-loving five year-old.

  2. I agree with mary. I think it's mostly time. i'm so glad we kept noah home an extra year (in cali, he could have gone last year). He definitely wasn't ready last year, but towards the end of preschool he was starting to get really excited and less fearful about kindergarten. some kids develop at different times in all aspects: emotionally, socially, intellectually, etc. my only problem now with noah is that he is really bored in kindergarten, so doesn't pay attention to the teacher. Ha ha. :-)

  3. That is so hard! Have you already done Joy School or some kind of preschool? She may need it to transition.

  4. Madison is the oldest in her grade. She missed the deadline for school by two days. I worried she would struggle with that extra year but it was the best thing for her. She was smart enough that I could have pushed to have her in school but that extra year at home and growing up was the best thing for her. (and me...I wasn't ready for her to be gone.) You are a great mom. She is going to be just fine!

  5. You know how my lil Tris was... but I think what really helped was preschool... it helped her understand the whole idea of kindergarten. But I think the whole bus ride is probably hard for little ones :(
    Her daddy needed to stay home an extra year, and he turned out great ;)

  6. Spank her more. Then she'll want to leave. Remember when Luke tried to run away when we lived in Seattle? Same principle.
