
Thursday, February 3, 2011

A bit of this and that

Amelia found the camera and took PLENTY of pictures of herself. She learned this from her BFF uncle Eli, who lets her steal his camera whenever he visits us.

What me and the girls do after Zumba.
This is what happens when I say, "Cheese". Or "Smile for the camera, Mino"


  1. Cute haircut Mino. Can't wait for my own personal Zumba lesson!

  2. Awwww! Is that some backscratching a la mode de Moose?

  3. Chris, you lose me with your fancy French. It does seem familiar, though. Emily, I teach Wednesday night at 8:15 (beginners zumba) and Friday morning at 9:15 (regular zumba) first time is free. Desert Fitness is what the place is called and it's right in back of slick willey's on state street.

  4. I keep telling Abby I will go with her, but maybe I should try your beginners zumba first. Is it to early to teach Gus to scratch my back?

  5. Never too early. We have babysitting at desert fitness too, so bring gus so he and jane can start dating.

  6. I just had some of that treatment a few minutes ago - it's genetic, apparently, to promise your small kids treats for a 35 minute deep tissue massage. Then, not deliver. I like to read a book when I travel - can you recommend one from your list for next week so I don't have to invest any effort? I just re-read the Scarlet Pimpernell - winner.

  7. If you haven't seen Beth in front of 25 ladies dancing her jig, you just haven't lived.

  8. If there's anything kids these days need, it's more technology. Cameras, holographs, OLED t-shirts. I remember being beat up several times in middle school because I was the kid "without a calculator watch".

  9. Hey Bethany,
    I was thinking of doing Joy School / Preschool for Meg next year. Would you be interested in doing it? Let me know.
