
Friday, December 17, 2010

Amelia's Preschool does the nativity

Amelia had a hard time keeping on her angel costume... I don't blame her, all it was was a pillowcase and some construction paper.

Here is her entire class, plus one baby brother, getting ready to perform for all the parents.
The audience. This little sweetie is Jane's friend, Rebecca.


  1. I haven't looked at your blog in ages! I am soooo excited about you teaching Zumba. Maybe now I will have the courage to go. You see I never went for fear of looking foolish, but with you in the front I know that won't happen:)

  2. Cute little bean. I love her new haircut. It makes her look so old though.

  3. Joy school pageants are jewels in my childhood-memory-repository. I remember little Biffy's like it was yesterday...
    I don't know Jane at all! Take more pictures of her so I don't have to guess which baby she is in the picture.

  4. She's the baby that looks just like Amelia. Kinda like how Lionel looks just like Budda.

  5. I love the pictures! Brings back great memories!
