
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mills flipping out

This is for Lee. It's as close to her crazy face that I can get.  She clenches her fists, opens her eyes as wide as they go, and vibrates. 


  1. Oh my holy moly mills! Someone needs to buy you a video camera. We miss you and that flippin girl and your darling Joe.

  2. Sounds like we need a video camera to do her justice! She is so funny!

  3. Ok So I just found your blog and I am so happy!!!!!I've been reading all your posts. You are hilarious! I have been laughing out loud now for the last ten minutes! So just so you know, I am officially going to be stalking your blog now! :)
    You're little girl has gotten so big! She's beautiful!

  4. This IS funny! Wonder where she gets this weird spurt from ;)

  5. She is so funny and cute when she does that!! :) Lots of Love!
